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Wife Number Seven The Compound Series Book 1 edition by Melissa Brown Romance eBooks

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Download PDF Wife Number Seven The Compound Series Book 1  edition by Melissa Brown Romance eBooks

Lipstick. Bright, red lipstick. Nothing but lipstick.
Even though it’s against our faith to wear a color that screams of sexual promiscuity and deviant behavior, I’m not allowed to protest.
But, I want to.
So badly.

You see, there’s more to me than the braid that spills down my back.
More to me than the layers of heavy fabric that maintain my modesty.
And so much more than the oppressive wedding band that adorns my finger--the same band that each of my sister wives wear.
So much more.
To protest would be sinful.
I must keep sweet, that is my duty.

So I’ll wear the lipstick. I’ll do as I’m told.
And I’ll do my best to silence the resistance within me, to push him from my mind.
If only my heart would do the same.

Wife Number Seven The Compound Series Book 1 edition by Melissa Brown Romance eBooks

Melissa Brown has officially ‘wowed’ me. I’ve read several of this authors books and I’ve enjoyed them all, but this was on an entirely different level. Original, captivating and refreshing- equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking. I devoured this, read it cover to cover. Polygamy is a topic I’ve always found interesting and Melissa does a great job writing about it.

Brinley is a twenty two year old woman. She is married. She is the seventh wife to a man over twenty five years her senior. This is the norm for her.

This is the way of her world. It’s the way to salvation. Most of the people in her compound are happy there. It’s the only life they’ve ever known and they believe it’s the only life they could ever have. Brinley is a little different.

Brinley has always been more curious about the outside world than the others. She has secrets. Secret wants, desires, she thinks about things that are forbidden to people of her faith. When she runs into town and sees a familiar face, even more secrets start to build.

Porter was once at the same compound as Brinley. He was kicked out at 16. He’s fighting his own battles, but he wants to help Brinley with hers.

Brinley is at a crossroads in her life. The choice between what she wants and desires, and what she’s always been told is the ‘right’ thing. All she knows is she has to make a choice. Before her secrets come out. Because then there would be no choice… and things would get messy.

Even though most of our situations would be nothing like anything Brinley goes through, she is a very relatable character. I loved reading about her becoming stronger, making choices for herself and discovering who she wants to be and what life she wants to live.

I don’t want to go into the Porter story line much, because I don’t want to spoil anything- but I will say that Porter needed Brinley just as much as she needed him. Just as Brinley was fighting her own battles, Porter was fighting his. It’s about the struggle they both endured and the choices they both had to make.

This book didn’t just make me feel, make me smile, make me cry, it made me think. Truly think about things. Reading about topics like this and knowing it exists in the real world makes you grateful for the freedoms and choices you constantly take for granted in your own life. Living a life full of desperation, wants and desires that will never be fulfilled, no freedom, it just makes you feel thankful for the choices you do have.

The writing was phenomenal. The story had such a flow, I felt like I was right with Brinley, in her head, thinking what she thought and feeling what she felt every step of the way. I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. The last 15% had me biting my nails to the quick. It was a beautiful, emotional, suspenseful and riveting tale of a woman coming into her own. Following HER heart, making decisions best for HER and not everyone else. Even though she had been taught to be a certain way her entire life, she did what was best for HER and her alone in the end and that made me feel proud of Brinley.

Wife Number Seven will for sure be taking a place on my favorites shelf! It’s one I would highly recommend!

Product details

  • File Size 3001 KB
  • Print Length 368 pages
  • Publication Date July 19, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Wife Number Seven The Compound Series Book 1  edition by Melissa Brown Romance eBooks

Tags : Wife Number Seven (The Compound Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Melissa Brown. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Melissa Brown,Wife Number Seven (The Compound Series Book 1),FICTION Coming of Age,FICTION Romance Suspense
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Wife Number Seven The Compound Series Book 1 edition by Melissa Brown Romance eBooks Reviews

I'll admit it...I am one of those people who is fascinated by the whole plural marriage thing and will watch television shows like "Sister Wives" because I just have to know what it's like. This book was very different (it wasn't quite as horrific as some polygamist books I have read involving torture and abuse of minors) but had enough of an "ick" factor to both repulse and interest me at the same time, while telling a very engaging story with both likeable and despicable characters.
Brin is a very strong female lead (although at times her devotion and fear of her religion was scary) and her whole process from obedient wife number seven to "free" woman was interesting to watch and made me smile. Porter was the damaged and outcast boy who you just had to feel sorry for but knew in your heart that he was in a far better place than if he had stayed at the compound.
A pretty good (at times slow moving) story of life in a plural marriage and the consequences of daring to be different and in charge of your own life.

**** 4 **** "fly free as a bird" stars
I was pleasantly surprised by this unique, yet powerful story!

Brinley lives in a religious community where women cannot choose who they marry, but they are appointed to a man by prophet, community leader. Brinley was chosen to be the 7th wife of Lehi Cluff. Brinley has been Lehi's 7th wife for three years and every day Brinley is more sure that she doesn't belong in their community, and in the Cluff household. She questions her faith even more after meeting Porter, a boy who used to live in their community but were exiled. Porter makes her feel things she never felt, but dreamed about. She knows she can leave, but isn't sure if she is ready to leave the only life she ever known.

I really enjoyed this wonderful story. I think Brinley was such an awesome heroine, because she seemed sweet and submissive on the outside, but actually was a little bit of a rebel inside. From an early age she already kind of rebelled against her religious community like making a doll when toys were forbidden. I liked those little things she did that proved that she was questioning her faith for a long time, I just wished she had really acted sooner. Also, I had a soft spot for Porter. I liked how he was a bit messed up because of his upbringings, but he was still attempting to straighten out his life for Brinley. That poem he wrote to Brinley ♥

I loved the chapters from other characters POV, I feel like they filled in the gaps and build story perfectly. My favorite secondary character was definitely Aspen, she was really great, so intelligent. I liked how committed she was to their community, yet she was never naive about it. Villains were good too, because Lehi, the old perv, made me cringe constantly.

Although the story was really great and I won't be forgetting it any time soon, I am not giving it 5 stars because I feel like Brinley's indecision phrase was too long and I got a bit tired of her 'I am not ready to leave' or 'I can't leave yet'.

Lastly, I highly recommend this book, everyone should read this unique story about a girl who struggles with her beliefs and wants more for herself in life!
Melissa Brown has officially ‘wowed’ me. I’ve read several of this authors books and I’ve enjoyed them all, but this was on an entirely different level. Original, captivating and refreshing- equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking. I devoured this, read it cover to cover. Polygamy is a topic I’ve always found interesting and Melissa does a great job writing about it.

Brinley is a twenty two year old woman. She is married. She is the seventh wife to a man over twenty five years her senior. This is the norm for her.

This is the way of her world. It’s the way to salvation. Most of the people in her compound are happy there. It’s the only life they’ve ever known and they believe it’s the only life they could ever have. Brinley is a little different.

Brinley has always been more curious about the outside world than the others. She has secrets. Secret wants, desires, she thinks about things that are forbidden to people of her faith. When she runs into town and sees a familiar face, even more secrets start to build.

Porter was once at the same compound as Brinley. He was kicked out at 16. He’s fighting his own battles, but he wants to help Brinley with hers.

Brinley is at a crossroads in her life. The choice between what she wants and desires, and what she’s always been told is the ‘right’ thing. All she knows is she has to make a choice. Before her secrets come out. Because then there would be no choice… and things would get messy.

Even though most of our situations would be nothing like anything Brinley goes through, she is a very relatable character. I loved reading about her becoming stronger, making choices for herself and discovering who she wants to be and what life she wants to live.

I don’t want to go into the Porter story line much, because I don’t want to spoil anything- but I will say that Porter needed Brinley just as much as she needed him. Just as Brinley was fighting her own battles, Porter was fighting his. It’s about the struggle they both endured and the choices they both had to make.

This book didn’t just make me feel, make me smile, make me cry, it made me think. Truly think about things. Reading about topics like this and knowing it exists in the real world makes you grateful for the freedoms and choices you constantly take for granted in your own life. Living a life full of desperation, wants and desires that will never be fulfilled, no freedom, it just makes you feel thankful for the choices you do have.

The writing was phenomenal. The story had such a flow, I felt like I was right with Brinley, in her head, thinking what she thought and feeling what she felt every step of the way. I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. The last 15% had me biting my nails to the quick. It was a beautiful, emotional, suspenseful and riveting tale of a woman coming into her own. Following HER heart, making decisions best for HER and not everyone else. Even though she had been taught to be a certain way her entire life, she did what was best for HER and her alone in the end and that made me feel proud of Brinley.

Wife Number Seven will for sure be taking a place on my favorites shelf! It’s one I would highly recommend!
Ebook PDF Wife Number Seven The Compound Series Book 1  edition by Melissa Brown Romance eBooks

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